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21 years
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mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Hugs September 20, 2009


                                 A Hug From God

        Sometimes I think I've got it all together-
        I've figured out what life is all about.
        It lasts a while and then it always happens-
        A curve-ball come that I can't figure out.

        I struggle to find my way through all the darkness-
        the more I try the harder it seems to be.
        Until I reach a point of fear and desperation-
        It hurts so much I fall down on my knees.

        A hug from God will ease a broken heart.
        A hug from God will fill your life with love.
        A hug from God who is your loving father-
        is always there- just look to him and pray.
        Oh, God please send your loving hug my way.

        The room grows quiet as tears stream down my face-
        the pain inside is all taken away.
        A warmth surrounds my cold and shaking body-
        As God's hand wipes the tears off of my face.

        A hug from God will ease a broken heart.
        A hug from God will fill your life with love.
        A hug from God who is your loving father-
        is always there- just look to him and pray.
        Oh, God please send your loving hug my way.
MOM TIME September 19, 2009


I thought that time was healing
All the hurt you left behind
That empty spaces could be filled
My arms, my heart, my mind.

And though my body looks the same
As it did when you were here
The emptiness is growing
Even bigger with each tear.

I thought that time was healing
All the agonizing pain
That as the tears were fading
Soon I wouldn't feel the same.

And though I can be smiling
And you think that I'll survive
The pain is in my blood now
I have nowhere else to hide.

I thought that time was healing
All the loss a mother feels
That now you live within my heart
I had you near me still.

But I need so much to touch you
To see you smile again
And those memories I'm told are mine
Can never feel the same.

I thought that time was healing
All the while the mask was worn
That underneath a new me
Was waiting to be born.

But now I find I am the mask
It helps to keep me safe
And though my heart is breaking
You won't see it in my face.

I thought that time was healing
All those tears my eyes have seen
That aching arms that miss you
Could be satisfied with dreams.

But here I am, in pain again
And healing stands alone
And mother weeps the world can see
For a son who can't come home♥

MOM REMEMBER ME September 18, 2009
Remember Me

To the sorrowful, I will never return
To the angry, I was cheated
But, to the happy, I am at peace
And to the faithful, I have never left
I can not speak, but I can listen
I can not be seen, but I can be heard
So as you stand upon the shore
Gazing at the beautiful sea, remember me
As you look in awe at a mighty forest
And its grand majesty, remember me
Remember me in your hearts,
In your thoughts, and the memories of the
Times we loved, the times we cried, the
Battle I fought and the times we laughed
For if you always think of me, I will
Have never gone.
Author Unknown

MOM MY CHILD September 16, 2009

My Child
Please, don't ask me if I'm over it yet.
I'll never be over it.
Please, don't tell me he's in a better place.
he isn't with me.
Please, don't say at least he isn't suffering.
I haven't come to terms with why he had to suffer at all.
Please, don't tell me you know how I feel
Unless you have lost a child.
Please, don't ask me if I feel better.
Bereavement isn't a condition that clears up.
Please, don't tell me at least you had him for so many years.
What year would you choose for your child to die?
Please, don't tell me God never gives us more than we can bear.
Please, just tell me you are sorry.
Please, just say you remember my child, if you do.
Please, just let me talk about my child.
Please, mention my child's name.
Please, just let me cry.....

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens bonded by our angels September 16, 2009

I Believe In Angels Because I Have Friends Like You 


Angel Moms

We have shared our tears and our sorrow,
We have given encouragement to each other,
Given hope for a brighter tomorrow,
We share the title of grieving mother.

Some of us lost older daughters or sons,
Who we watched grow over the years,
Some have lost their babies before their lives begun,
But no matter the age , we cry the same tears.

We understand each others pain,
The bond we share is very strong,
With each other there is no need to explain,
The path we walk is hard and long.

Our children brought us together,
They didn't want us on this journey alone,
They knew we needed each other,
To survive the pain of them being gone.

So take my hand my friend,
We may stumble and fall along the way,
But we'll get up and try again,
Because together we can make it day by day.

We can give each other hope,
We'll create a place where we belong,
Together we will find ways to cope,
Because we are Angel Moms and together we are strong!

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens thinkin of you September 14, 2009
MOM LOVE YOU BABY September 11, 2009
mom 2 Waylon kitchens u touched my heart September 10, 2009



Your continual acts of thoughtfulness and kindness brighten each day.  What you did for Waylon & me will glow in my memory, reviving pleasant feelings everytime I think about it.  I appreciate you, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

~With Love & Prayers~



graphicphotobucketfriendsmakelifewo.gif picture by mommyof2twins4

MOM TO LOSE A CHILD September 8, 2009
To Lose A Child

To lose your child is the hardest loss to bare
No other loss on earth will compare,
Your hearts been broken, your soul ripped in two
This precious child was once a part of you,

You don’t know if you can carry on
Others tell you to be strong,
You struggle with each passing day
The pain in your heart never goes away,

Days and months come and go
The grief you feel begins to grow,
The ache and longing is always there
You sit alone, you sit and stare,

Nobody knows what to say to you
You need their help to see you through,
Friends start to drift away
They can’t listen to what you say,

You remind them of what life could be
If it happened to them instead of you or me,
Nobody understands your pain each day
Some look at you and just walk away,

They can’t bare to see you cry
You can’t stop or live a lie,
This is your life now and it’s for real
Your broken heart will never heal,

So if you know a mum who has lost her child
Please try to understand,
She does not need your sympathy
She needs you to hold her hand,

Special days come along
These are days she can’t be strong,
Birthdays, Christmas and Mothers day
Are the days she dreads in every way?

Then comes the day that hurts the most
The day her life changed for ever,
Please let her know the memory of her child
Will stay with you and leave you never
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